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1. 送風(fēng)管的材料一般選用鍍鋅板(俗稱白鐵皮),也可選用玻璃鋼、塑料風(fēng)管等

1. Galvanized sheet (commonly known as white iron sheet) is usually used as the material of air duct, and glass fiber reinforced plastic and plastic air duct are also used.

2. 送風(fēng)口設(shè)置在實(shí)際需要降溫的當(dāng)?shù)兀L(fēng)口規(guī)劃風(fēng)量即便以其要降溫當(dāng)?shù)厮璧乃惋L(fēng)量,風(fēng)口標(biāo)準(zhǔn)可依據(jù)風(fēng)量與風(fēng)口風(fēng)速來(lái)斷定,送風(fēng)口原料可選用塑料或鋁合金等制品,出風(fēng)口風(fēng)咀形式可依據(jù)實(shí)際情況選用多種形式,挑選錦煜空調(diào)專用風(fēng)咀,風(fēng)口喉部均勻流速控制在3-6m/s,(選用4-5m/s的流速)

2. The air outlet is set in the place where the actual cooling is needed. Even if the air outlet planning air volume is needed to cool down the local air supply volume, the air outlet standard can be determined according to the air volume and air velocity. The raw materials of the air outlet can be selected by plastics or aluminium alloy products. The air outlet nozzle form can be selected by various forms according to the actual situation. It is recommended that the special air outlet nozzle for Jinyu air conditioning be selected and that the air outlet throat is uniformly flowing. Speed control is 3-6m/s. (4-5m/s is recommended.)

3. 送風(fēng)管的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)一般選用假定流速法規(guī)劃,主風(fēng)管堅(jiān)持在8-10m/s,支風(fēng)管6-8m/s,較末端風(fēng)管堅(jiān)持4-6m/s

3. The standard of air supply duct generally adopts assumed velocity method. The main duct sticks to 8-10m/s, the branch duct 6-8m/s and the end duct 4-6m/s.

4. 所規(guī)劃的風(fēng)管總體上要求既經(jīng)濟(jì)又能到達(dá)較低的風(fēng)阻和噪聲,使錦煜冷風(fēng)機(jī)的送風(fēng)量盡量到達(dá)較大值,風(fēng)管曲折半徑一般不小于風(fēng)管直徑的兩倍,以削減管通風(fēng)阻力

4. The planned ducts are generally economical and can reach the lowest wind resistance and noise, so as to maximize the air supply capacity of Jinyu air cooler, and the winding radius of ducts is not less than twice the diameter of ducts, so as to reduce the resistance of ducts to ventilation.


5. 送風(fēng)管道的長(zhǎng)度應(yīng)依據(jù)不同型號(hào)的錦煜空調(diào)風(fēng)壓不同的特色進(jìn)行規(guī)劃

5. The length of air supply pipeline should be planned according to the characteristics of different types of Jinyu air conditioning air pressure.

6. 所規(guī)劃的管道盡量取直,防止不必要的拐彎和分支管,以削減管道部分阻力

6. The planned pipeline should be straightened as far as possible to prevent unnecessary bending and branching so as to reduce partial resistance of the pipeline.

7. 從平面布置和經(jīng)濟(jì)角度上考慮,能不必風(fēng)管的當(dāng)?shù)鼐筒槐仫L(fēng)管,必須運(yùn)用風(fēng)管的當(dāng)?shù)乇M量把風(fēng)管規(guī)劃短些

7. From the perspective of layout and economy, wind pipes are not necessary in places where air pipes are not needed, and local air pipes must be used to plan air pipes as short as possible.

8. 較長(zhǎng)管道依據(jù)風(fēng)量規(guī)劃成多段不同標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的風(fēng)管,選用變徑管連接,變徑管的設(shè)置不宜過(guò)多,一般整根不超過(guò)四個(gè),變徑管長(zhǎng)由“>2(D-d)”來(lái)斷定

8. Long pipes are planned to be multi-section and different standard air pipes according to air volume. The connection of variable diameter pipes should be selected. The setting of variable diameter pipes should not be too much. Generally, the whole pipe should not exceed four. The length of variable diameter pipes should be determined by ">2(D-d)".

9. 送風(fēng)管道與錦煜冷風(fēng)機(jī)主機(jī)出風(fēng)口連接處應(yīng)密封好;室外管道過(guò)長(zhǎng)宜規(guī)劃保溫,室內(nèi)管道一般不須保溫

9. The connection between the air supply pipe and the outlet of the main engine of Jinyu air cooler should be well sealed; the outdoor pipe should be planned for insulation when it is too long, and the indoor pipe should not be insulated generally.

10. 若在規(guī)劃中存在支分管,則須在支管上裝設(shè)閥門或分風(fēng)擋板以調(diào)節(jié)風(fēng)量,使支管風(fēng)量到達(dá)規(guī)劃值。

10. If there are branch pipes in the planning, valves or distributor baffles shall be installed on the branch pipes to regulate the air flow so that the branch pipe air flow reaches the planning value.


The above information is our Shandong ventilation duct arrangement release hope that you can like our website is: http://!


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