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  Ventilation pipe is a kind of hollow pipe used for ventilation, most of which are round or square. The production and processing of ventilation pipe have a great influence on the safety factor of pipe application and the safety factor of actual operators in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the operation and installation precautions of ventilation pipes. Dening ventilation specially collated the relevant information and shared it with you. Many factors should be considered when machining ventilation pipes. Here are some common questions.

  1. 通風管道加工時應盡量避免縱向接縫,但不應出現(xiàn)橫向接縫。另外,根據(jù)設計潔凈度要求,通風管道的咬口和四角需要用密封劑密封。通風管道板接頭密封面應位于通風管道墻正壓側(cè)。嗎???

  1. The longitudinal joint shall be avoided as much as possible during the processing of ventilation pipe, but the transverse joint shall not appear. In addition, according to the requirements of design cleanliness, sealing agent shall be used to seal the undercut and four corners of the ventilation pipe. The sealing surface of the joint of the ventilation duct board shall be located on the positive pressure side of the ventilation duct wall. ?

  2. 在加工過程中,不應在通風管道內(nèi)安裝配筋或配筋,因為這樣會對通風管道的質(zhì)量產(chǎn)生一定的影響。


  2. In the process of processing, it is not allowed to install reinforcement or reinforcement in the ventilation pipe, because this will have a certain impact on the quality of the ventilation pipe. Do you? Do you?


  3. The connection mode of S-shaped cutting and C-shaped right angle cutting shall not be adopted for pipe processing. In addition, some special ventilation pipes should not be blocked.

  4. 通風管道完成后,用清洗液清洗。只有達到清洗標準后,才能及時密封。5. 玻璃鋼復合板風道為切割面時,在法蘭接頭裝配前,應先用膠帶或膠水將管端切割面密封,防止玻璃纖維外露和分散

  4. After the completion of the ventilation pipe, clean it with cleaning solution. Only after the cleaning standard is reached, can the seal be timely made. 5. When the air duct of FRP composite plate is the cutting surface, the cutting surface of the pipe end shall be sealed with tape or glue before the flange joint is assembled to prevent the exposure and dispersion of fiberglass.

  6. 如果是彩鋼板通風管道,應保持管道內(nèi)壁光滑,且在通風管道加工過程中不得損壞涂層。如有損壞,表面應涂環(huán)氧樹脂。此外,在通風管道處理過程中應采取防腐措施。不得使用空心鉚釘。此外,在裝配通風管道部件時,必須鍍鋅。

  6. If it is a color steel plate ventilation pipe, the inner wall of the pipe shall be kept smooth and the coating shall not be damaged during the processing of the ventilation pipe. In case of damage, the surface shall be coated with epoxy resin. In addition, anti-corrosion measures shall be taken during the processing of ventilation pipes. Blind rivets shall not be used. In addition, when assembling the ventilation pipe components, they must be galvanized.


  The above is a detailed introduction to the processing precautions of Jinan ventilation pipe. For more information, please click http://


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