


發(fā)布人:http://   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-06-07 16:38:03


Galvanized steel plate and galvanized iron sheet are just one material! Commonly known as tin ventilation ducts. For single-sided and double-sided galvanized pipes, the thickness of the zinc layer needs to be selected based on the actual situation. The surface: with or without flowers, with or without oil. The galvanized ventilation pipeline mainly depends on the thickness of the galvanized sheet and its oxidation resistance (zinc layer thickness). Next, Jinan iron sheet air duct processing personnel will talk about the details of iron sheet ventilation duct processing:


1. Stick pressure-sensitive aluminum foil tape from one end to the other end at the seam of the board according to the alignment position, and the width of the pressure-sensitive tape adhered to one side shall not be less than 20mm.


2. Clean the powder on the cutting surface of the board, and check whether the air duct panel meets the design requirements according to the air conditioning duct processing task sheet.


3. Clean the powder, oil stains, water stains, and dust on the cutting surface of the board, and use a brush to apply adhesive on the cutting surface.


4. Glue the air duct panel according to the design requirements, and when the adhesive does not stick to the hands, use a scraper to flatten it. For areas that are difficult to flatten, use a wooden hammer to gently flatten them.


5. Check whether the joint bonding of the board meets the quality requirements.



Production process requirements


1. The processing of white iron sheet air ducts should choose groove connection or welding, and welding is not allowed.


2. The bite seam of the solid wood panel splicing of the air duct should be separated and there should be no cross shaped seam.


3. The bite seam is tight, the overall width is consistent, the edge pressing is vertical, the arc shape is uniform, and both sides are perpendicular.


4. The ventilation duct should have no obvious distortion or wing angles, and the surface should be neat and flat, with no more than 8mm bumps.


5. The allowable error for the aperture or outer length of the ventilation duct is a negative deviation. When the large diameter of the ventilation duct is less than or equal to 630mm, it is -1mm; When it exceeds 630mm, it is -2mm.


6. The allowable error in the flatness of the riser is 1mm, and the difference in length between the two parallel lines of the rectangular ventilation duct cannot exceed 2mm.


7. Stainless steel air ducts with a diameter exceeding 630mm, thermal insulation and insulation air ducts with a diameter exceeding 800mm, a distance exceeding 1250mm, or a flat area on one side of the low-pressure ventilation duct exceeding 1.2 square meters, or medium and high-pressure ventilation ducts exceeding 1.0 square meters, all should adopt fixed and immovable prevention measures. If there are any other matters, please come to our website http:// Consult!


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